Arm and a Leg

Arm and a Leg

Immersive team-based battle arena

Multiplatform experience full of strategy and rescue. Get immersed in a new world where everything has a price. Hone your abilities to stay alive and win.

Concept Art ARm2.jpg

Intense multiplayer action

In our game, Arm and a Leg, your body is your weapon and everything has consequences!

You can:

  • Rip off one of your arms to slap someone

  • Shoot quick bullets with your Finger Guns

  • Hand Guns let you pop your fists off like grenades

  • Launch your Fire Arms to shoot off your arm as a heat-seeking missile

If you die, the game doesn’t stop. Your weapons stop working and you shrink, but your movement speed increases to help you reposition and find an advantage before you fully regenerate.

How to play:


Our pre-alpha is focused on gathering feedback on player interactions. Once we hone these core features, we’ll release new game modes for both casual and competitive play. What this means for you: you can chat with, slap, and shoot your fiends. You’ll also get points and achievements for doing so.

What’s next:

We have different game modes planned that build off of these silly mechanics. There’s even a storyline to shed light into how these strange characters came to be.


Debut release from Hidden Arcade